The Original Eumundi Markets: Silver Award, Best Grey Nomad Attraction

The Original Eumundi Markets: Silver Award, Best Grey Nomad Attraction

The best 2022 Australian Experiences for Mature Age Tourists was revealed earlier this year with twenty tourism experiences named as the best in Australia for mature-age visitors from the Sunshine Coast, with Queensland and South Australia dominating the list.

The Grey Nomad Awards is a niche national tourism program that shines a light on the best places for older travellers to stay and play around the world. Commenting the Awards, the judges said, “This year’s winners reflect the exceptional experiences on offer to senior travellers. Each winner is playing a small yet critical role in assisting the Australian tourism sector recovery.”

From OEM Manager Karen Pine… “On behalf of all our incredible stall holders and all who make The Original Eumundi Markets such a special experience, we are delighted to accept the Silver Award in the National Best Grey Nomad Attraction Awards!”

Congratulations to The Original Eumundi Markets on this wonderful achievement!

Did you know? People in the Grey Nomad age bracket possesses 32% of Australia’s disposable income. They also love learning about our country, are fiercely loyal. and will return to places they like.

The Awards encourage positive ageing through supporting and promoting soft adventure and social inclusion.

Typically, Grey Nomads are not interested in staying in places with all the bells and whistles – tennis courts, children’s playgrounds and swanky guest lounges are not necessary to win a Grey Nomad Award. Rather, the Awards focus on the things that mature-age, long-journey travellers want: well-kept amenities, cleanliness, good value, great customer service, easy booking, thoughtful extras, spacious sites and the chance to socialise and learn.

The towns and destinations that gain the appreciation of Grey Nomads recognise and plan for this group’s specific needs – things like places to park big rigs, easy access to shops and services, good-value places to stay, dog-friendly environments and services, reliable mobile reception, and accurate destination information to make planning a breeze