Stage 4 came into effect 1 October 2020
Queensland’s Roadmap to Easing COVID-19 restrictions outlines a staged approach to giving Queenslanders more freedom to travel, participate in more activities and hold more gatherings.
From 1:00am Thursday 1 October 2020:
- Stage 4 of the Roadmap is in effect
- The New South Wales border zone was extended
- The Queensland border zone no longer exists
- Queensland residents are able to travel anywhere in the New South Wales border zone for any purpose
- New South Wales border zone residents are able to travel anywhere in Queensland for any purpose
- More people can go to outdoor events or businesses
- Up to 1000 people per day permitted at outdoor events with a COVID Safe Events Checklist
- 75% seating capacity in outdoor stadiums and amphitheatres.
From 4:00pm, Friday 2 October 2020:
Standing eating and drinking: Standing eating and drinking permitted at indoor and outdoor venues with a COVID Safe Plan or Checklist.