with Tony Wellington
It’s breeding season, and the Whistlers are in full song at the moment. Golden Whistlers (Pachycephala pectoralis) are superb songsters, with tuneful calls carrying for great distances. These birds feed amongst mid- to upper-level foliage preferring dense bush.
As so often happens in bird land, it is the males that are colourful, whereas the females are dressed in more staid browns and greys. Young males don’t acquire adult plumage until they are around three years old, until which time they look like females.
Pachycephala doesn’t mean elephant-like. Well, in a way it does, because it means thick-head, whereas pachyderm obviously means thick-skin. Why these delightful little birds should have been lumbered with such a rude appellation escapes me.
Tony has worked as a filmmaker, artist, author, photographer and media lecturer. He has also been a Councillor on both the Sunshine Coast and Noosa Councils, as well as Mayor of Noosa.