Queensland novel coronavirus (COVID-19) update 7 July 2020

Queensland novel coronavirus (COVID-19) update 7 July 2020

Queensland has one new case of novel coronavirus (COVID-19) bringing total cases to 1068.

A man in his thirties tested positive after recently returning from overseas. The man is in isolation and is being managed by Metro North Hospital and Health Service.

At this time, it is not considered that the community have been exposed however Queensland Health will notify the community if any public health alerts are required.


HHS* Active cases Recovered cases Deaths Total cases to date
Cairns and Hinterland 0 36 0 37
Central Queensland 0 10 0 10
Central West 0 0 0 0
Darling Downs 0 40 2 42
Gold Coast 1 196 0 196
Mackay 0 15 0 15
Metro North 1 313 3 319
Metro South 0 263 0 266
North West 0 0 0 0
South West 0 0 0 0
Sunshine Coast 0 94 1 95
Torres and Cape 0 0 0 0
Townsville 0 24 0 24
West Moreton 0 39 0 39
Wide Bay 0 25 0 25
Overseas 0 0 0 0
Total*** 2 1055 6 1068**


* HHS level case data may include a patient’s residential address, Public Health Unit managing or location where test was ordered.

** Changes may occur in the number of notifications reported from day to day. This is due to ongoing maintenance and update of notification details as new information becomes available, or where discrepancies are detected through data quality assurance activities.

***Each day, total cases may not equal active plus recovered plus deaths, as information for some cases is still pending and will be updated in due course. In addition, active cases may be reported by Hospital and Health Service of treatment, or by a patient’s usual place of residence.

****Total case numbers include both confirmed and probable COVID-19 cases as per the national case definition. Probable cases are based on serology results as well as clinical and epidemiological criteria and indicates a previous infection. Accordingly, a probable case could be included in the total case numbers but not be reported as a new case in the last 24 hours or as an active case. Probable cases may be recorded as a recovered case, but there may be a lag in this.

At noon on 3 July 2020, stage 3 of Queensland’s Roadmap to Easing Restrictions came into effect.

For further information visit the Queensland Government’s roadmap to easing restrictions webpage.

Queenslanders are reminded to continue to follow the recommended advice from us and our federal counterparts in regard to social distancing, public gatherings and general wellbeing.

Critically, make sure you are practising good hygiene and stay home if you’re sick.

Washing your hands properly and often is the gold standard of health advice that can help prevent viruses from entering your body.

As restrictions ease across Queensland, we need more people to get tested for COVID-19 if they have symptoms. Getting tested will help us find as many cases in the community as quickly as possible. This will ensure we are doing everything we can to manage Queensland’s response to the pandemic.

If you have any COVID-19 symptoms, no matter how mild, you should get tested immediately. Symptoms include fever, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath, runny nose, lack of taste or smell and fatigue. For further advice, contact your local doctor or call 13HEALTH (13 43 25 84).

Currently, 1,026 of the 1,068 cases had recently travelled overseas or interstate, or had close contact with a confirmed case, such as their partner or flatmate.

A total of 395,027 tests for COVID-19 have been undertaken in Queensland, with 2,789 tests undertaken in the previous 24 hours.

Most Queenslanders who have contracted COVID-19 have experienced mild symptoms. Currently one of the two active cases is in hospital.

A total of 1,055 Queenslanders (almost 99 per cent of total cases) have now recovered from COVID-19.

Contact tracing continues for recent cases. Queensland Health will notify the community if any public health alerts are required.

The most up-to-date reliable information is available on the Queensland Health website at www.health.qld.gov.au/coronavirus

The Queensland Health website now includes detailed information by Local Government Area on the number of active and recovered COVID-19 cases, likely source of infection, age and gender breakdowns of cases and number of self-quarantine notices. You can access this information at www.health.qld.gov.au/covid-data